EST relies on the generous support of many donors from around Aotearoa.

Your support is essential to ensuring the success of our projects which benefit many individuals and families, thus contributing to a better society. Donations to EST are tax deductible. Education Sponsorship Trust is a registered charitable trust under the Charities Act 2005 Registration number CC 21074.

You can help EST in the following ways:

Financial Assistance

Donations to EST can be made at any time by cheque or electronic funds transfer.

To make a tax deductible donation:

 (1) By electronic funds transfer to:

Account Name:   Education Sponsorship Trust

Bank/ Branch:   Bank of New Zealand, North End Branch, Wellington

Bank Account Number:   020536 0325858 000

Please label transfer with your name and “donation.”

Please label transfer with your name and “Donation.”

If you would like a receipt, please email details of your donation to the EST secretary.


 (2) By Cheque

Payable to:   Education Sponsorship Trust

Post to:   EST secretary, c/o 64 Hillcrest Road, Hamilton

Donating your time

Activities of EST are conducted by staff and volunteers of all ages (eg students, people currently employed and retirees).

Volunteers have the opportunity to assist in several ways. For example:

  • Contributing with their professional skills to an educational program or administration

  • Teaching practical skills at youth club

  • Carrying out small repairs or gardening at a study centre

  • Assisting with the administration of a centre or activity (eg communications, data entry and correspondence)

Volunteers will work as part of an energetic team, having opportunities to interact with many people.

Compliance with EST’s Guidelines for Safeguarding Young Persons (link) is mandatory for all staff and volunteers.

Would you like to donate your time and/or expertise?

 Gifts in Kind

Another way of helping EST is by making a gift of property, which includes items such as works of art, fine furniture, shares, real estate and trading stock.

For information on how to claim a tax deduction for these gifts please