As established by the Trust Deed, the Education Sponsorship Trust is governed by a Board of between six and 12 members. EST currently has 12 Trustees that constitute the governance board, including two executive officer positions: Chairman and secretary. Trustees/Board members may form sub-committees as determined by the board when necessary for our activities.
Responsibility for EST ultimately lies with the Board of Directors. The Board comprises a cross-section of New Zealanders, and Australians: men, women, educationalists, business consultants and professionals operating in the NGO sector.
Current Board Members
Virginia Mills NZRN, NZRM, BA, LLB (Hons) – Chairman
Diane Willcock MSc, PhD, DipHom (NZ) – Secretary
Vivian Keane BSc (Hons), BA, Dip Ed
Joseph van Wijk BBus, MBA, CA
David Bolton BSc, MA, MEd – Foundation Trustee
Anthony Montgomery, BCom, CA
Fintan Devine BA, LLB
Austin Lobo
Luis Trullols B Arch (Hons), M Com (Fins)